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When a person attempts to join Striker MC, they will spend a minimum of 1 week in support. After that week, in order for a support to become hangaround, a full patch member must choose to move them up after announcing it at church. The member that promotes the support is responsible for sending the invite and for the supports actions.


Supports can wear hoodies/t-shirts or tank tops and are required to wear the support logo at all times. supports must lock their weapon wheel to AR's, pump shotguns, pistols & SMG's.


Supports that do not meet the requirements to progress to the hangaround stage (not old enough/women) must stay 1% but do not need to follow the other rules.


To join Striker MC, you must have read all of our bylaws. Once you have done that and understand the rules, you will request to join the hangarounds. This portion of your journey will be to get to know the patch members in the club and decide whether you wanna join the club and we decide whether you're the type of person we would like to join Striker MC. If the club feels like they know you, they will take a unanimous vote on moving you up to prospects.


Hangarounds must wear jackets from the leather jacket section ( No biker kuttes / No biker jackets ) + support clothing options and are required to wear the hangaround logo at all times. Hangarounds must also have a locked weapon wheel to AR's, pump shotguns, pistols & SMG's.


Prospect is where the challenge is. While you're in the prospects you must listen and do everything a full patch member says unless a patch member asks you to break a bylaw. Nobody has the authority to make you break a bylaw. Almost everything the club does to a prospect is a test, but if you prove you have the patience and the discipline during this stage you will make it to full patch. All patch members must say yes to vote you in to full patch. If one member says no, that means you wont get patched and will continue to prospect. One thing to note, any patch member has the authority to kick any prospect at any time, no questions asked.


Prospects are allowed to wear biker kuttes and biker jackets from those clothing sections but cant wear any kind of weathered or old kuttes or jackets. They are also required to wear the prospect rocker at all times.


Prospects can choose to unlock their weapon wheel to fight armored or flying vehicles.


Being a full patch means you will be instantly given the same respect as anyone else wearing the Striker MC patch. But remember, it's harder to keep the patch than it is to earn it. Just because you earned your patch does not mean your above the bylaws. As a full patch member you own part of Striker MC and have a say in anything we do. To kick a full patched member it must be a unanimous vote, unless that patch member has 3 strikes then it is a majority vote to kick him.

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